Sunday, April 3, 2011

w-inds. worldwide 10th Anniversary Scrapbook Project!

We'd like to put together a book of messages to w-inds. congratulating them on their 10th year anniversary.   To do this, we'd like each fan to design their own page for us that we'll print out and put in a scrapbook. We will put this scrapbook in the present box (if all goes well this time) on 428.

We'd love for you to make your page as personalized as possible. You can use your art, pictures of yourself or your hometown, your handwriting, things like that. Just please use your best judgement (i.e., no "sexy" or too revealing pictures).

We also want you to convey your love for w-inds. as much as possible! Creativity is key!

You must submit your page to our e-mail by April 24th, 2011. Please send it to

We don't really know what kind of specifications to give to people about size and things like that, but just be aware that if it prints out strangely, we might have to edit it to make it work...and if it just looks strange, ...don't be mad at us?

[EDIT]: Paper size will be A4 so if your program can adjust to that size, please do so :) 2500 x 3300 pixels please!!

Also, considering the circumstances, it might also be nice to include well wishes for Japan's speedy recovery. It's up to you though, everyone can do whatever they want.

After we make the scrapbook (and when we have time) we'll put the submissions into an online album for all of us to be able to see.

We're looking forward to seeing your submissions!


-Ash and Melissa

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